
Standing committees meet throughout the year. LWVYC currently has several established committees: Voter Service, Housing & Homelessness, Climate Action, Healthcare, Advocacy/ Study and Social Justice. Committees may create sub-committees as needed to address unique League projects. Voter Service has 2 active subcommittees: Voter Registration and Candidate Forums providing league service during active election periods.

Like many Leagues, LWVYC has the ability to field an “Observer Corps”: a group of individual volunteers who attend and observe the meetings of local official boards and councils within our County whose members are elected or appointed.

New Committees are added as member interest is identified through program planning and interest area feedback at membership meetings or when initiating or renewing membership.

Standing committees are led by volunteer League member chairs who set meeting agendas and schedules and notice committee members of activities and events.    Committee members are expected to attend meetings and encouraged to participate in public facing committee activities as part of their League service. Chairs work hard to reflect the interests and strengths of committee members. They require committee member support and participation to accomplish project goals.

New members are asked to share their interests with the Membership Committee to get help identifying opportunities for League service that aligns with their interests. Alternatively, members may contact any of the following Committee Chairs at any time to join an ongoing standing committee.

Voter Service

Chair: Judy Higgerson

Voter Service is our most dynamic and mission driven committee. The committee informs voters on election matters in a nonpartisan manner. Activities include ballot issue education using voter guides (prepared in partnership with LWVC or the Yolo County Elections office), “Pros & Cons” documents, and “Civic Summaries”.  Members may also author LWVYC Board approved press releases and Letters to the Editor. 

Voter Service has 2 subcommittees: Voter Registration and Candidate Forums. Both subcommittees are especially active during periods that precede local, state, and national elections. High activity periods include early spring and late fall when California holds it’s March primaries and November elections.

Voter Service subcommittees have unique meeting dates and times. Frequency of meetings may be project dependent. Your interest and enthusiasm are welcome! Please contact Committee Chair, Judy Higgerson, for meeting dates and times.

> Voter Service Subcommittees
Voter Registration

Coordinator: Judy Higgerson

The Voter Registration subcommittee is a vital function of LWVYC. The committee coordinates with the LWVYC Board to inform, educate, and register voters. The committee collaborates with the Yolo County Elections Department to promote all provisions of the California Voter’s Choice Act, including Vote by Mail, In-person early voting, Same Day registration, and “Drop Box” community voting. Subcommittee members may also staff voter education tables at Farmers’ Markets, High School, Community College, and University Campuses, and community events, or they may work as election observers to support the County Elections Department.

We welcome your enthusiasm and energy! Please contact Judy Higgerson for meeting dates and times and opportunities.

Candidate Forums

Coordinator: Vacant

The Candidate Forum subcommittee coordinates public presentations using LWV Candidate Forum guidelines. LWVYC manages candidate forums for local elections, including County Supervisor, City Council, and Board of Education. Statewide office elections or ballot measures periodically present opportunities for events in collaboration with other Leagues in our area. 

Committee members work closely with the Yolo County and City elections offices and candidates. New committee members are mentored in LWV forum policy, process, and procedures. Experienced members support and guide new volunteers to develop presentation and event management skills.

Please consider becoming a member of the Candidate Forums committee.  This committee will soon be recruiting a new subcommittee Chair. Your interest and energy are welcomed! Please contact Judy Higgerson for meeting dates and times.

Observer Corps

Coordinator: Vacant

Observer Corps members monitor key local governing bodies as non-partisan citizen observers. Through regular attendance at public meetings (e.g., City Council, Board of Education, City Commissions and County Boards), observers learn the functions, jurisdiction, and operations of these agencies, and become familiar with local issues.  For each meeting attended, observers file a report using a standard report template . Reports keep League members up to date on key issues, and the League presence at meetings reminds public officials that citizens are committed to participation in and transparency of their government. 

Is your area of interest listed above? If not, please let us know your interest area so we can help you identify and attend a public meeting relevant to your interests and League related issues. Your participation and enthusiasm are welcomed! 

To become a member of our developing Observer Corps, please contact us to learn more about opportunities.


Chair: Michelle Famula, MD

The Healthcare Committee is an active group meeting regularly (every other Tuesday 3:00-4:00PM) to stay up to date on County, State and Federal Healthcare policy and legislation. The committee identifies and explores public policy, industry practices and legislative actions with impact on local community access to care, educating voters and members through forums and public presentations. In 2024-25 our committee teamed with the Advocacy/Study Committee to support the LWVYC County Mental Health Study which will submit its final report in Summer 2025.

The committee also works with the LWVYC Board and State and National Leagues to inform voters of important healthcare issues and positions taken by candidates and advocacy groups, and to promote the LWV California State and National League health system reform and affordable access positions.

We welcome member interested in helping to create an educated electorate, well prepared to vote for reform that supports quality patient care access and promotes community health.

Housing (and homelessness)

Chair: Mary Jo Bryan

After completing a 2-year Davis General Plan and Community Vision Project, the 2024 Housing Committee’s work continues to focus on housing, homelessness, and land use issues to understand how housing accessibility and affordability impact our local communities, our diverse populations, and the environment. The committee collaborates with local housing advocates to educate our members and our community. 

The committee seeks to improve community understanding of state and local issues and to stay abreast of local general plan housing efforts. 

In 2019-20, the Housing Committee held three educational forums on housing and land use planning. Future goals include participation with the LWVC Statewide Housing and Homelessness Interest Group as well as local housing access and affordability advocates. 

We welcome members interested in helping to create an educated electorate well prepared to engage in housing policy evaluation and assess housing and zoning regulations and land use ballot measures as they relate to both affordability and access equity.

Advocacy/ Study Committee

Chair: Janet Ruggiero

All League advocacy results from a process of thorough study. This committee performs the research process needed to study an issue of membership interest and develop advocacy positions. Collecting facts and details though interviews and policy reviews, the study committee presents its findings to the full membership.  Our league position emerges after member education, pros and cons discussion, and consensus building. Through member consensus, the board is able to adopt an advocacy position by which members support public policy measures to benefit our community. 

We welcome members seeking to research issues of public policy concern. Through this committee, members educate ourselves and others and help identify opportunities to improve our community through action that influences local governance regulatory positions, ballot measures and resource management decisions.

In 2023-25, our Advocacy/Study Committee is conducting its Yolo County Mental Health Study. Study findings are scheduled to be presented to membership for consensus and position advocacy determination in Spring 2025.

Please consider joining our Advocacy/Study Committee and helping our league to advance these educational and advocacy goals.

Social Justice

Chair: Vacant

This committee aims to put the community first: starting conversations and providing education on racial barriers, structural inequities, and under-representation wherever these are present in our community.

We seek to develop programs to give voice to those who have not had “a seat at the table”, through advocacy and collaboration with community groups also working to advance inclusion and community improvement.

The committee is committed to our nonpartisan principles, encouraging members from all political backgrounds, experiences, and identities, especially those who may not have previously served on a social justice committee. 

LWVYC recognizes that appreciation of differing views and experiences could be a challenge, but a key goal of this committee is for members to work together to build a healthy, equitable and happy community.

Please consider joining our Social Justice Committee and helping our league identify programs and partnerships to advance these goals.

Climate Action

Chair: Vacant

This new committee seeks member initiatives and local area resource partnership opportunities to address Climate concerns through public policy advocacy and voter education. Our League members have recently held public forums and provided advocacy for the Yolo County 2030 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) , adopted in 2024. The LWV Woodland Climate Study Position, adopted in 2011, identified 6  study objectives that enable our League to advocate for aligned local and state climate action public policy and legislation.

LWVC also has a virtual Climate Action Interest Group. This group has 4 focus areas: Forests & Wildfires, Water, Soils & Agriculture, and Electrification. Each have impacts at both state and local levels. Our committee members can work with other Leagues through the interest group on statewide projects or work with the LWVYC Board to develop unique actions.

Please consider joining our Climate Action Committee and helping our league identify programs and partnerships to advance our study supported goals and take local action.

> League Service Teams
Membership Team

Co-Chairs: Faye Smith Gee and Kathleen Stack

The Membership Team supports the chair to plan and develop recruitment events and outreach messages to attract new league member interest. The team assists with new member contacts, creates welcome messages and plans LWVYC orientation events. 

The Membership team works throughout the year to build member community and connectedness. Under the direction of the chair and the LWVYC board, team members develop strategies to better engage members at League sponsored events and membership meetings.

Team members help maintain current contact information lists to ensure members receive timely LWVYC communications. The team assists the chair during the annual membership renewal process.

If you are interested in meeting more of your League colleagues and participating in creative social activities, contact our Chairs for membership team opportunities.

Events Team

Chair: Judy Wohlfrom

The Events Team supports the chair to plan and develop chapter and community events that support community outreach as well as our league membership meeting activities. The team assists with event site set up and activity resources for annual events such as our State of the Community Luncheon, Yolo County Women’s History Month Celebration, and our Democracy Works Awards Ceremony.

Are you someone who would like to help with social activities engaging with fellow league members?  Do you have creative ideas for entertaining activities or displays that support our outreach and member events? Please contact us to learn how you can join this active group of project planners.

Fundraising team

Chair: Vacant

As our League outreach and education activities increase, LWVYC needs financial resources to print materials, create displays, host speakers, promote programs, reserve meeting and forum spaces and participate in State and National LWV convention activities.

Are you an experienced fundraiser? Are you someone who would like to gain experience in this area? Do you have creative ideas for fun, entertaining activities that can raise funds to support our outreach and issue education efforts? Please contact us to learn how you can join this aspiring group of project planners.